Sofitel staycation

Disaster struck when I returned to Amsterdam from Manila: my entire hard drive crashed. I last backed up right after learning I was pregnant, which means all my digital keepsakes from my entire pregnancy—ultrasounds, weekly belly photos, videos—except for what’s on this blog, are gone. I don’t want to think too much about it, it hurts my heart.

Thank heavens for small blessings. While trying to piece together what little I had left, I discovered the pictures from our fifth wedding anniversary still in my SD card. Marlon and I like to celebrate anniversaries at the beach, but I couldn’t bear another flight on top of two long-haul ones between Manila and Amsterdam. So this year, we opted for a weekend staycation at the Sofitel Manila, which we’ve never been to and had an appealing resort-in-the-city feel.

I’m so glad I still have pictures to remember this wonderful weekend: breakfast in bed, with a side of something special

Sofitel anniversary breakfast in bed

which turned into lazy afternoons (we had two!) by Sofitel’s gorgeous pool, lined with tall coconut trees and directly facing Manila Bay.Sofitel Manila pool

I know these simple pleasures—uninterrupted lazing by the pool, with a tall icy drink and an extra-thick book—will give way to other things soon, and I’m grateful for the chance to have savored them for the last time in a long while. Also, I turn into a calamansi shake monster whenever I’m home; I loved it even more being an overheated pregnant mama.

Sofitel Manila Bay relaxing by the pool

What is bliss? Watching clear blue skies turn into hazy gold…

Sofitel Manila sunset clouds

and getting front-row passes to the best free show in town: the famous Manila Bay sunset.

Sofitel Manila Bay golden hour

The almost-daily occurrence of a spectacular sunset is one of the things I miss most about home.

Sofitel Manila Bay sunset

I could have stayed here drinking in the sunset forever, but golden hour close to the equator is a lot shorter and faster than it is up here in the Northern Hemisphere. I just let Marlon hug me, and took as many pictures as I could. And yes, I’ll remember to back them up this time.