
Where else can you find me aside from this blog? Here are a few places to look!


Ever wondered how I make a living? My work portfolio on Krop.com should give you an idea of how I stay off the streets.



I’m currently on hiatus, but check out my column at MangoJuiced, a webzine for anything and everything that interests women, where I write about travel, home and life in Europe.

Wifely Steps

Toni of Wifely Steps invited me to write about my own “wifely steps” for her wedding and blog anniversary. I wrote about the first “wifely step” I ever took—two and a half months before I became a wife.

Plus Size Fasyon Mudra

For Iggy’s plus-size, thrifty-mom fashion blog, I wrote a two-part guest post on my personal style and how I dress for travel. With lots of photos!

Design Folder

For this Manila-based design blog, I recapped the Netherlands’ biggest design event: Dutch Design Week 2011. I also featured the work of Dutch conceptual jewelry designers Hartog & Henneman.


Pooja is a crafty New Yorker living in Singapore. She asked me about my favorite places to shop, eat, and go in Manila, my hometown.



For SMILE, Cebu Pacific’s inflight magazine, I wrote a guide to Singaporean hawker centers for the Filipino palate, celebrity vacation destinations in Asia, and a shopping guide to Seoul (to offset my purchases!)

The Philippine Star

As a contributor, I wrote about fashion, beauty and lifestyle for the Young Star section on Fridays. A few of my pieces:

On Filipinas, a photography exhibit by Isa Lorenzo of the Silver Lens Gallery

Professional pampering at the Kerastase Institute in Manila

An interview with Italian jewelry designer Franco Pianegonda