Viewing: New York with baby

New York, New York!

Yep. You read that right. I’m in New York. Please don’t kill me.

New York Midtown Manhattan American flag

Every single year, Marlon and I resolve to travel less, or at least do fewer and longer travels. With this latest unexpected trip, we’ve failed in spectacular fashion. But who can resist the siren call of New York? Besides, it was either tag along or not see Marlon for nearly two weeks. It was a no-brainer.

New York Lincoln Center Steps Welcome

Do you ever feel that sometimes, life is happening too fast for you to catch up? Between Tala’s birthday and this trip, I sang in my first Dutch choir concert at one of my favorite Amsterdam museums, flew to Zurich for a last-minute work trip, stayed at this charming boutique gem and filmed at this stunning five-star hilltop hotel, and squeezed in a bit of calligraphy and watercolor for a snail mail swap. All in the span of 10 days. Whew!

Did I mention when I get back, I’m going to do an about-face right back to the airport for Milan Design Week? No? There you go.

New York American Museum of Natural History Explorer


That’s a lot of blog backlog to work through, but it’ll have to wait. New York is winking at me in the spring sunshine, and a little girl in a gray bear suit is tugging on the cord of my laptop. Time to explore, and have a wonderful weekend!