A tale of three cities

I attempted to blog while I was away, but between Tala and New York, I was wiped out at the end of each day. Now, I’m back home—except this time, Amsterdam is more like a two-day springboard for the next adventure.

My life for the last few weeks has revolved around three cities:

Zurich. This wasn’t my usual kind of travel, but a quick zip in and out. Yet my trip to Zurich was the most exciting thing that’s happened to me in months. That’s because it was my first time to work as a producer in Europe! Marlon always gets to travel for work, but I’ve only done so twice. So any kind of work-related travel is a big thrill for me, even if I didn’t get to see much apart from my shoot location and hotel room. (It was a really nice hotel room, though!)

Zurich dawn over the Sihl River

Watching the sunrise from my hotel room in Zurich

This job was particularly juicy for reasons I can’t disclose yet: the client and the star. More importantly, it’s been over three years since I’ve gotten my hands dirty and worked on set. I was simply thrilled to get back in the game. I used to find production awfully stressful, but my attitude towards responsibility, competence and confidence in my work has changed over the last three years. Being responsible for another human life tends to change your perspective.

New York. Boy, eleven days in the Big Apple with a toddler can really wear you down! After getting used to low-lying, laid-back Amsterdam, the sprawling madness of Gotham was a bit of an emotional roller coaster that took us from blissful highs (the best fettucine I’ve ever tasted at Top Chef judge Tom Colicchio’s restaurant, Craft) to hair-tearing lows (catching a cab during rush hour in midtown Manhattan… with a baby). But I’m not complaining.

New York Empire State Building view

Empire state of mind

I would have loved to live in New York, but that was for another (younger, hungrier) me. Much as I relished the abundance of great food, fantastic shopping and that incomparable big city feel, our life is here now. I’m happy for the chance to experience it all, and to be able come back to a home and a life that feels more comfortable and natural for who I am now. Still, there are some amazing experiences to share, and I promise to share them!

Milan. Time away from being a mommy helps keep me balanced and happy. What more if that time is spent with seriously fun and creative people, in a beautiful and inspiring place? That’s why I’m thrilled to be setting off for Milan and Salone del Mobile—the Milanese equivalent of Design Week—with fellow bloggers Judith, Kat, and our wonderful host Jillian.

Blago Milan 2014 invitation

Jillian’s handmade invitation to Milan

Our home base will be in the beautiful Lago Maggiore, just 20 minutes from Milan’s Malpensa Airport. After these big city trips, I’m looking forward to spending some time at lake, too.
Am I worried about leaving Tala with Marlon for five days? Not at all. He’s an amazing partner and one hell of a dad. Seriously, my biggest worry is that her outfits won’t match. Speaking of outfits, it’s time for me to pack. Girly blogger weekend, here I come!