Planning the nursery: Do you duyan?

Now that I’m past the halfway point in my pregnancy, I’m starting to think about the practical matters of Little Mango’s arrival. I’ve started reading about labor and breastfeeding, and researching major purchases such as a stroller and crib. It’s a lot to take in, but taking it one day at a time helps me from getting overwhelmed—and looking at pretty pictures online makes it fun!

One of the things I’ve been thinking about is where Little Mango will sleep. Since my mom will be here in March, the spare room in our new apartment will be a guest room first, before we can turn it into a nursery. So Little Mango will spend the first few months of her life in our bedroom—a sleeping arrangement that seems to be common among the new parents I’ve talked to.

This has made me decide that what I really want is a duyan—a hanging bassinet. I want it Filipino and I want it traditional—woven from natural materials and designed to hang, rock and sway. I love the idea of our tiny newborn in a small cozy basket by our bed, and I love the idea of it being something from home.

The problem is, I have no idea where to find a duyan. A Google Image search for duyan turned up a handful of mostly atrocious pictures. Maybe young Filipino parents don’t use duyans anymore, or maybe the ones who do don’t post pictures of them on the Internet. I don’t know.

I did find a few images of woven hanging bassinets from… Scandinavia. Surprise, surprise.

I love these images because they not only show the kind of duyan I want, but more importantly, the kind of feeling that I want to create.

Finnish stylist Susanna Vento used the bassinet on the left for her styling work for Deko (photos by Kristiina Kurronen), while Nordic Bliss sells the one on the right in their online shop. Unfortunately, it’s sold out… but if it wasn’t, it would still be €79 plus shipping. In the grand scheme of things, that’s not a lot, but since it will only be used for a few months, I’m thinking I could find one for a tenth of the price back home.

Now, if I only knew where to look! Any suggestions, Manila peeps? Do you know anyone who has ever used a duyan?