Let’s do brunch in… Barcelona

Barcelona has got to be one of my favorite European cities ever. Great food, abundant sunshine, lots of culture and color, and good-looking, stylish people… not to mention it’s right on the beach.

The author of this week’s guest post is one lucky lady to be living in such an amazing city. Though she was born in Germany, Gudy Herder lives in Barcelona, where she works as an interior stylist and trainer in visual merchandising for luxury retail brands. Gudy has an amazing eye for style—particularly eclectic style, which she documents on her blog Eclectic Trends.

Gudy’s eclectic style—mixing various influences to make a truly personal space—really appeals to me. I find myself paying very close attention to her posts (and going through her archives!) especially now that I’m thinking about how to decorate our new place.

Gudy also takes beautiful pictures, so this week’s brunch is a visual treat. It makes me want to fly to Barcelona and enjoy a delicious meal on a bustling, sun-drenched plaza… right now!

Hi, I am Gudy from the blog Eclectic Trends. I have been living for the past 23 years in Barcelona, and I am a real fan of having a good brunch. We do not have a real brunch culture here though, but it is coming slowly.

Buenas Migas (“good crumbs”) is one of those places where you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner at any time and that’s exactly what makes it so convenient. On top of that, the staff is always very nice and multi-cultural. They have a total of 11 restaurants in town, and the place I am going to introduce to you today just opened.

The first impression is of a very eco-friendly design. Their new branding and the overall look in this place is kind of Scandinavian.

I love this kind of open patio before you step in, with that fab hanging garden.

The kitchen is, let’s say, a Italian-Spanish adaptation. They have nice focaccias and yummy homemade bakery.

There are lovely products to take away as well.

We couldn’t decide on what to order, so we took both: the apple crumble with natural yoghurt and the pineapple-coconut tart. 

Their focaccias are just the best (and the only ones!) in town.

If you don’t want to sit next to the bustling Plaza de Universidad outside, there is plenty of fancy space inside too.

Buenas Migas
Plaza Universidad, 1
08007 Barcelona
Monday to Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Lovely comments:

  1. Oh I love the food in Barcelona and Spain in general. I have such great memories of the cafes there and the tortilla de patata – yum! This cafe looks gorgeous – love the boxes on the walls:) Mel


  1. [...] is not a typical brunch city but we do have fantastic places where you can eat almost 24hrs. So, here goes my guest post. Please check out her blog, she knows her city very well and if you happen to [...]

  2. [...] find the nicest email from Gudy Herder of Eclectic Trends, who guest blogged here recently about brunch in Barcelona. She nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award, a blogger’s way of saying “You’re [...]