do you love geeks? i do.
there are many advantages to loving (and eventually, as i have) marrying one. excellent conversation, mental math and electronics/furniture assembly skills aside, marlon’s geekiness has garnered him many, many takashimaya and borders vouchers for various awards at work. like the proverbial neanderthal dragging home the carcass of its sabertooth tiger as a trophy for his waiting wife, or (sige na nga) mythical knight galloping home with the head of a dragon proudly skewered on his lance for his lady to see, marlon dutifully turns over these vouchers to me year after year, translating his forte (geekdom) into mine (shopping).
this time, my beloved geek brings home yet another trophy. a promotion! hurray! and with his new role comes a little wiggle room in our budget and a whole lot of travel. meetings in hong kong, shanghai, bangkok, kobe (japan) all within this month and the next. which means i get to tag along!
it is a testament to my complete cluelessness that i chose to book a weekend flight to bangkok to dovetail with one of marlon’s meetings. if mickey hadn’t even told me about the unrest, i never would have guessed. hell i was already upping my walking and cutting down on carbs with thai-sized clothing in mind. but it’s all up in the air now as p&g decides this friday whether or not to let marlon fly.
apparently it seems to be like manila. mukhang super gulo from the outside, pero pagdating mo ok naman pala. but we’ll see…
since there’s another trip i can tag along on, which is hong kong! wheee! a bit more expensive and the flight schedules are a little inconvenient. but then again… what’s a little inconvenience when there’s h&m?
in october there are meetings in shanghai (same weekend as a big shoot, so no go) and kobe (the weekend of my birthday). now, do i want to go to japan? or just save the money and the leave days, and go to boracay in december? hmmm.